S1E30 - Rick Hanson - Rewiring Our Circuitry
We met with Rick Hanson, best-selling author, Senior Fellow of UC Berkeley’s Greater Good Science Center and founder of the Global Compassion Coalition, to review what neuroscience tells us about how to rewire our mental circuitry for greater physical and emotional wellbeing in the face of the inevitable negative in our lives. Hanson’s latest book, Making Great Relationships, is the launch point for our discussion, but we meander from the microscopic within to the infinite of the Big Bang Universe in our explorations of human potential. How and what is within range as we start on this journey? Is unconditional lovingness a reasonable destination? Can our brains open our hearts? How do we skillfully counteract our negative bias? How do we stop seeking approval? Can we be loyal to ourselves? How do we repair our relationships? Where does aggression fit into this picture? How does imagination shape reality? How do we contend with impermanence? Can we create a world where millions of people and organizations experience community with each other, work for the common good, and drive systemic change? Hanson is certain to “make his team proud” with the legacy of love that he has helped to build. The energy of our conversation is intimate and magnetic. Spare an hour to be struck by the human potential of all that is within reach, wherever we happen to be standing. Join us.
S1E29 - Molly Kawahata - Deploying Hope
We met with former White House Climate Advisor to President Obama, Molly Kawahata, to hear her innovative perspectives on how to make a real difference in society and for the planet. She is principally focused on how we mobilize productive human psychology to motivate broad systemic change. Her insights are fascinating, born of her own personal struggles, that society writ large has been brainwashed into paralysis with propaganda from the fossil fuel industry that is designed to rob us of hope. It seems an impossible premise, but she effectively argues her case of how this happened, and what those concerned about the future of the planet can do differently to make concrete progress toward the “zero carbon promised land.” While applauding those who make personal choices and sacrifices to help the environment in their own lives, Kawahata eschews climate shaming of all kinds, and sees no averting climate catastrophe without public policy that decarbonizes our industrial, transportation and energy sectors. It is not our fault that we use these sectors. They are the only ones that those without privilege have available to access. Most importantly, she implores us to change the debate away from “saving the polar bears” that those with “boots on their neck” can’t afford to care about, to a practical discussion about pollution and equitable access to clean air and water. We can all see the impact from reducing pollution, and we can have hope in our personal ability to make a meaningful impact. What can you do? Deploy hope and get out the vote. Join us for an exhilarating discussion.
S1E28 - Jennifer Egan - Reading Deeply
We met with one of the foremost novelists of our time and Pulitzer Prize winner, Jennifer Egan, to discuss the medium of fiction, the novel, her process, her works and the role of the novelist in democracy writ large. In an age where AI has begun to encroach on seemingly sacrosanct domains of human endeavor like creative writing, Egan gives us hope that writing from human imagination will forever give us unrivaled access to the mind of another person. In what became a masterclass in Egan’s personal writing style, she illuminated how her own improvisation allows her to channel all the forces that exist around her and operate through her. The novel demands that we resist the forces of distraction that dilute us. Fiction delivers compressed knowledge, and preserves our mental agility and our ability to question authority. It is not only entertaining, it is a pillar of a healthy democracy. In her leadership of PEN America, she saw first hand how threatening fiction and the novel can be to autocratic regimes. While indifferent to literary reviews, Egan adores her readers and all they teach her. Most captivating are Egan’s methods of tapping into her unconscious and her imagination — the wellspring of her career. Find renewed determination to read deeply by listening deeply to our charming guest, Jennifer Egan. Join us.
S1E27 - Jack Kornfield - Embodying Graciousness
We met with one of the premier thinkers and teachers of our time, Jack Kornfield, to discuss how we can reclaim our humanity in isolated times, and find an inner state of well-being in the face of our greatest hardships. His sage perspectives on difficult questions were immediately centering and comforting. We touched on advice for living - cultivating compassion, awe and wonder; distinguishing empathy from compassion; navigating compassion fatigue; and finding it even for those we might not like. We explored how building our ability to be deeply aware of our present moment expands our capacity and health. Managing our emotions and keeping our cool is a skill that has helped even the most type-A’s among us be more effective. We discussed how to respond when we witness injustice without contributing to the atmosphere that created the injustice in the first place. We covered what it means that “pain is inevitable, but suffering is optional,” and so much more. Each and every turn in the conversation revealed a new nugget of wisdom for living fully, happily and peacefully. It was an hour beautifully shared. Join us.
S1E26 - Brian Copeland - Life in the Funny Lane
Humor is not just fun and games. For Brian Copeland, award-winning actor, comedian, author, playwright and talk show host, it started as his best defense from bullying on the playground growing up as an African American kid in one of the most racially redlined suburbs in America. Brian went on to wield humor in artful ways throughout his career to tackle some of the thorniest topics of our times in his work, and specifically in his popular one-man-show “Not a Genuine Black Man.” Join us as we explore the mechanics of humor - the creative process, what makes a joke funny - Copeland’s encyclopedic memory of his remarkable journey through the entertainment world, as well as his reflections on the distance we’ve come and have yet to go to collectively acquire genuine understanding and empathy for each other. Join us.
S1E25 - Larry Brilliant - Life in the Time of COVID
At the time of this writing, the White House just announced its intent to end the COVID-19 pandemic “state-of-emergency” designation in the months ahead. Is this a political move or one informed by science? We met with Pandefense Advisory CEO, Larry Brilliant, to learn the latest of what we do and do not know about the real threats of COVID-19 and related outbreaks. What is the history of vaccines in general? What are the criticisms of the standard narrative about CV19? Did CV19 come from the Wuhan open air market or a bio-weapons laboratory? Is there a third credible possible origin of the pathogen itself? How much do we need to worry about the next pandemic? Do lockdowns make sense? In closing, we learned how an accidental hippy stumbled into eradicating smallpox, befriended Steve Jobs and pioneered social media itself to become, “the luckiest guy on earth.” Join us.
S1E24 - Robert Lustig - Killing Me Softly With Sugar
We spoke with metabolic neuroendocrinologist Robert Lustig to discuss his views about the obesity crisis in our country. A powerful mind with a keen eye for digging deep into issues to explore their root causes, Lustig lays bare his critique of powerful forces at work that he believes negatively impact human health and longevity. His position is that added sugar is not a food and meets the criteria of an addictive substance like alcohol or narcotics. Addressing the physiology of metabolism, Lustig recommends lifestyle changes that, if practiced, could dramatically enhance our vitality. How did we get to this point in our obesity crisis? He emphasizes that fortunately there are corrective measures within reach, if we can muster the political will to enact them. What other “addictions” in a broad sense afflict our society? We touch on those as well. Join us.
S1E23 - Vienna Tran - Space Wants To Kill You
We met with space medicine expert Vienna Tran to learn about the health challenges of manned exploration of space. This may seem like an esoteric subject for those who feel like we have more challenges facing us on earth than we can deal with, but Vienna makes a compelling case that conquering the extremes of off-earth existence equips us to better deal with our terrestrial challenges. “A dollar invested in space is worth more than a dollar invested on earth.” Not only is off-world colonization a hedging strategy against an extinction event here on earth, space exploration (including medicine) brings us myriad advancements for terrestrial life. What are the risks? What are the rewards? Join us to gain a glimpse of this brave new frontier.
S1E22 - Kent Gershengorn - Loving the Heart
Buffalo Bills starting safety Damar Hamlin’s cardiac arrest from a routine tackle of Cincinnati Bengals wide receiver Tee Higgins (and strike to the chest) on January 2, 2023 highlights that there is much left to know about cardiac health. To help us climb the learning curve of how we keep our tick-tocker ticking, we met with renown cardiologist Kent Gershengorn to help us decode the latest science. We discussed sudden cardiac death after blunt chest trauma - what we believe struck Damar Hamlin. We also explored the good news on the most advanced current and future treatments and technologies for after a person develops a heart condition. Perhaps most importantly, we covered much of what we can do to prevent or postpone developing any of the various heart conditions in the first place. Join us.
S1E21 - Narsai David - Delicious Freshness Within Reach
We rang in the New Year with renowned restaurateur Narsai David to discuss food, wine, and recall some of his favorite food memories and explore his latest culinary discoveries and innovations. As one who helped birth the California fresh food revolution, his suggestions and recommendations bring deliciousness within reach. His guidance for a Narsai-kind of fantasy meal is approachable for the novice, inspiring for the expert and easy on the pocketbook. I've interviewed a number of the world's great chefs, but personally, if I want or need advice when it comes to food or wine, I go to Narsai David - a chef, a restaurateur, a winemaker, a food columnist, as well as a longtime food and wine editor for KCBS Radio and a PBS television host of the nationally syndicated "Over Easy." He's a leading gourmet and culinary expert whose knowledge of food is vast, and his knowledge of wines would probably eclipse most wine sommeliers. He's also past president of the Pacific Coast Farmers Market Association, and the author of a book called “Monday Night at Narsai's.”
S1E20 - Jeffrey Pfeffer - Only Power Begets Change
We met with Stanford Graduate School of Business Professor and expert on Power, Jeffrey Pfeffer, to discuss his latest influential work, 7 Rules of Power. While many might malign an ambition to acquire and wield power, Pfeffer lays bare the pragmatic truth that change happens only with the adept identification of the levers of power, and the artful accumulation and use of power to affect the change we seek. He disabused any notion that power in and of itself is negative. Only how it is used can be criticized. As he quickly points out, “If you want power to be used for good, then more good people need to have power.” Our discussion is a brief primer of his life’s research into his treatise on the mechanics of power, and an invaluable guide for anyone hoping to affect change. Pfeffer’s pragmatic straight talk might be thought by some as astringent, but his sober understanding of how the world turns is a wakeup call for anyone who thinks it is sufficient to simply engage in “moral talk.” Because so many who are willing to use the strategies and tactics of power are not using it for good, join us to learn how to counteract the negative by becoming equally effective in your own ability to get things done and realize the desirable change we hope to see in the world.
S1E19 - Louann Brizendine - To Drive or be Driven?
We met with Dr. Louann Brizendine to dive into the under-appreciated “forces within” that drive our behavior, our relationships, and so much of our lives. The founder of the Women’s Mood and Hormone Clinic at UCSF, Brizendine wrote several definitive books on the subject, including The Female Brain, The Male Brain, and The Upgrade - How the Female Brain Gets Stronger and Better in Midlife and Beyond, where she reframes the post-menopausal experience as an opportunity to reclaim one’s authentic self. Nobel Prize winner Issac Bashevis Singer summarized the paradox we all experience best when asked if he believed in free will by responding, “I have no choice.” To what degree are we driven by our hormones? How much do they define our sexuality and our gender? What role does sleep, exercise, nutrition and even pollution play? How do we reclaim the driver’s seat while at the same time accepting ourselves and the infinite diversity of those around us? Join us as we uncover real subterranean forces actively at work to varying degrees in all of us.
S1E18 - Angela Glover Blackwell - Realizing the Promise of Equity
We met with Angela Glover Blackwell, Founder-in-Residence of PolicyLink, host of the Radical Imagination Podcast and Professor of Practice at the Goldman School of Public Policy at UC Berkeley, to reflect on a career dedicated to building a more equitable society. Blackwell believes that authentically rooting oneself in close proximity to the experience of the most vulnerable populations allows one to see how to improve circumstances for everyone. These are unprecedented times with unprecedented threats, but we also see unprecedented engagement and a novel brand of unprecedented “collective leadership” that fuels today’s powerful social movements and renewal. Join us to understand her passionate optimism, and hear her four key changes that would lead to meaningful progress towards a better world for all.
S1E17 - Nipun Mehta - A Deeper Thanksgiving
We met with Nipun Mehta, the founder of ServiceSpace, to discuss gratitude and generosity. Revealing the how and why of, “giving like a rose that gives away its scent,” we were ourselves transformed by the conversation. As a small sampling of the conversation’s many gems, we touched on the hierarchy of generosity, and the ability to “throw a better party” when we replace transactions with relationships. Nipun advocated for our own personal experimentation with generosity, knowing that if we listen closely, we may discover wonderful changes happening within ourselves. He explained how gratitude can be regenerative, and reminded us that it emerges from the recognition that we are nestled in so many gifts that we can never reciprocate. This knowledge invites us to pay forward what we can never pay back. Apparently the most valuable resource in navigating this path is to have noble friends who help us find the way through these and many other inspiring insights. We invite you to be our noble friends, and join us on this transformative journey through Thanksgiving and beyond.
S1E16 - Isabel Allende - Finding Purpose and Gratitude
Our conversation with celebrated author Isabel Allende in October of 2022 captured what we admire most about how Isabel walks in the world. At eighty years old, Isabel is vibrant and alive, living with purpose and impact. Through the zigs and zags of our conversation, it became clear that she found in her writing a path to self knowledge. From that self knowledge, she cultivated a deep gratitude that serves as the source of her happiness. If you love her work, our conversation provides context and background. If you are not familiar with her work, you’ll witness a person of conviction who spent her life peeling back the layers of herself to identify what matters most. Her example is provocative and inspirational. Join us for a conversation through literature, politics, philanthropy, feminism, ritual, marriage, grief, discovery, and story.
S1E15 - Ron Elving - A Most Unusual Midterms
We met with Ron Elving, Senior Politics Editor and Correspondent for the Washington Desk at NPR News, on November 11, 2022 to reflect upon the 2022 midterm elections and the state of our democracy. Some of our conversation reflected the specifics of this last week with midterm results still trickling in, but most of what we discussed turned to broader questions of our times: the resilience of democracy, free speech, civic engagement, polling, Russian intervention, disinformation in general, politics discourse, ranked-choice voting, Trump’s influence, and the engagement of rising generations of Americans in the political process overall. America faces many challenges. To help us make sense of them, Ron Elving lent us his measured and sober perspectives. He also graced us with his optimistic disposition, and the sense that clearly understanding our challenges enables us to grow stronger.
S1E14 - Michael Connelly - Fighting the Darkness
Michael Connelly’s crime novels have sold over 80 million copies. Our conversation delved into his craft and his career to understand how he started writing and to what he attributes his continued success. We revealed how his work pays tribute to the noble work of those who seek justice even though they must venture into the darkness – a darkness that constantly threatens to bring them down and hollow them out. His fiction is a window into this reality, as well as a challenge to our faith in human advancement or even our expectations and beliefs. Join us to learn how he puts this all together to delight and provoke his readers.
S1E13 - Leo Laporte - The Shifting Sands of Broadcast
Leo Laporte, founder and owner of the TWiT Podcast Network, is an elder statesman of technology and terrestrial radio. In our conversation we wandered down memory lane, reflecting on the influences and turning points of Leo’s career, his network and studio, and the industry as a whole. We peek into the future by understanding the past. The day before our recording, Elon Musk closed on the purchase of Twitter, and gave us the opportunity to learn of the checkered history between TWiT and Twitter at Twitter’s founding, and now again in Musk’s self-nomination as Chief TWiT - a title Laporte has carried since TWiT’s founding. We explore the broad evolutions of broadcast TV and radio, social media, podcasting and advanced technology. We dive into mentors and inspirations, laws versus norms, exciting emergent trends, best practices, using the act of listening to turn interviews into conversations, and more. Join the conversation that leaves us with “Laryngitis in Las Vegas.”
S1E12 - Emilie Choi - Global Finance without a Middleman
Today we find out about the world of cryptocurrency and the crypto economy by speaking with a leading executive from one of the world's fastest crypto exchanges - the first to go public - sometimes described as the Amazon of assets - Coinbase. Emilie Choi is Coinbase President and COO. In our conversation we shed much light onto the rising phenomenon of decentralized finance in the budding era of “Web3,” as it has been called - the successor to Web 2.0. We expand our financial literacy of this new and wild world of tokens, blockchain traceability, the merge, regulation, and speculation vs. underlying technological platforms of innovation. Join us.
S1E11 - Susan Jackson - Conserving Fisheries and Shared Resources
Our conversation with Susan Jackson - president of the International Seafood Sustainability Foundation (ISSF) - was a fascinating dive into a world that few of us know much about - tuna fishing and conservation. While seemingly esoteric, this episode describes the many facets of a system that strives to conserve shared resources - a particularly challenging task when dealing with sovereign nations and independent companies where there is temptation to cheat. ISSF has built a multi-decades-long reputation for bringing competing stakeholders to the table and collaborating for the benefit of the collective good. As Jackson said in her TED talk, “Our method is broader than our niche.” Listen to learn more about this advancement in private sector multilateralism, and to get more back story on our seafood and the health of the oceans.